Monday, July 31, 2006

here's a start...

After a long time of neglecting to update, I'm back. What better way to start this off than an introduction to a couple of delicacies I've been snacking on. Namely the Barquiron and Kinihad. These tasty morsels were brought back from the Philippines (in the province of Iloilo) by my aunt.

A barquiron is a combination of barquillos and polvoron, thus the new morphed name. It is basically a polvoron filled barquillo. Barquillos would be a tuile like cookie that is rolled upon itself a few times forming a pipe like shape. It can be enjoyed by itself or partnered with other sweet concoctions like ice cream or hot chocolate for dessert or snack. A polvoron on the other hand is a combination of cake flour, powdered milk, sugar and butter. It has a powder like consistency wherein it got the name. The butter acts as the binder as well when it is packed for shaping.

The barquiron provides a unique mouthfeel experience. You get the delightful crunch from the barquillo as the polvoron explodes in your mouth. As you enjoy the combination in your mouth, the creaminess from the powdered milk and butter plays around your tongue. Washing it down with ice cold milk (may it be dairy or vegan) would be the best way to finish the experience.

A Kinihad on the other hand, is a form of dried bread with a very light hint of anise and sweetness. The texture would be a cross between a cracker and crusty bread. This is usually paired with a nice cup of coffee for snacks. Dip it in the coffee like you would a doughnut would be another way to enjoy this. I think this would also make a very good bread crumb with a couple of pulses in the food processor.

As you can see, a sunglass case could also be used as a stand to prop up specimens. It is always good to have multi tasking items around.